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Operations Update May 2020

Larry P Wasser | Published on 5/9/2020

I hope you and your families have remained safe and in good health.  It sure looks like Covid-19 is going to be with us for the foreseeable future.  The operations committee had its monthly meeting last night. (May 6th)  I'm not sure I have a lot of new or great news, But this is what was discussed.

1.    Finger Lakes, has been canceled for this year.  All refunds will be sent to members very shortly.  I really hope this event would have been possible, but the circumstances with the college and New York has dictated we error on the side of caution.

2.    Three Creek Century, Fall Tour, Williamsburg.  All these events are moving forward and will go on as scheduled.  

3.    Group rides have been canceled until June 15th.  

4.    I do have some good news,  I have made arrangements for next years Spring Fling, and we will be going back to Bethany Beach and the dates will be   April 29th - May 2nd.  2021

5.    I was also optimistic about still riding the 1000 Island region in July.   But, I needed to back off that idea with the border remaining closed and the requirement that we might have to agree to quarantine for 14 days once we cross the border.  

The club is still looking for a member to fill The Technology Chair, which is now being chaired by Jeff Hoch.  If you have the expertise for this position, please volunteer, this is a critical position and the club needs this position filled.  The Operations Committee is also taking this time to work on the by-laws, membership, and other important documents that help make our club safe and operate at a higher level of efficiency.  We are also examining the possibility of organizing virtual riding with our members and other clubs.  This will be especially helpful in the winter months.  

In closing, I will be the first to say, I miss a lot of the members I'm use to seeing and riding with.  I hope that this is the last time I have to send an e-mail saying that rides are canceled. But as we all are aware, that sometimes we don't choose our enemy, but we must defend ourselves and our families, and still continue to live our lives.  So please, everyone stay healthy and take all the precautions needed to remain safe.   I WILL SEE YOU ON THE ROAD SOON!! 

Glenn I Wareham
Harrisburg Bicycle Club